24-25 or 25-26 Letter of Intent to Enroll
Get started with just two simple steps:
1) Please submit ONE Letter of Intent to Enroll form (per student).
2) Please RSVP if you would like to attend one of our Informational Nights at the CSCA Campus, 2577 N. Chelton Rd.
If you have questions, please contact our registrar at registrar@cscharter.org
Early Access Identification
“Early Access” means early entrance into Kindergarten or first grade for highly advanced gifted children under the age of six and means a gifted student is placed in a grade level above other same aged peers.
Early Access shall be provided by the Authorizing Unit (AU) to identify and serve highly advanced gifted children who are: •
Four years of age and for whom early access to kindergarten is deemed appropriate by AU.
Five years of age and for whom early access to first grade is deemed appropriate by AU.
Early Access shall not be an acceleration pattern recommended for the majority of age 4 or 5 gifted children who will benefit from preschool gifted programming.
The purpose of early access is to identify and serve the few highly advanced gifted children who require comprehensive academic acceleration. Criteria for Early Access are based upon Aptitude, Achievement, Performance, Readiness, Social Behavior and Motivation. All criteria must be considered in making the determination. Test scores alone do not meet determination.
The Lottery System
In anticipation of letters of intent exceeding available seats, CSCA will hold an enrollment lottery. The lottery is held the third Wednesday of every January at 10:00 a.m. (MST), at which time all applicants who complete a letter of intent by 8:00 a.m. that day are randomly chosen to fill available seats and waitlist order. The lottery results will be available within 10 days of the drawing. Parents/Guardians will be notified of the lottery result by email or telephone number provided on the application, based on order drawn. If offered enrollment, parents/guardians will have 3 business days from date notified to accept the offered seat through email or written communication to CSCA. If there is no response within those 3 business days, CSCA will consider this an effective declining of the offered seat.
If enrollment requests exceed the capacity of the school, the following criteria will be used to establish priority for admissions:
•Currently enrolled students in good standing
•Children of all staff
•Siblings of enrolled students
Families must comply with all admission deadlines in the enrollment calendar found on the school’s website (cscharter.org) in order to complete enrollment. Failure to complete these requirements within the given deadline will become an effective decline of acceptance and student will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list.
Lottery Update
If you have completed a letter of intent to enroll for your child/ren for the 2022-2023 school year and have not received a response from our registrar, please be sure to check your junk folders. Often our emails are sent directly there. All notifications about enrollment will come from a no-reply email address.
If you have questions, please contact our registrar. registrar@cscharter.org